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To start with, you must think of a real or fictional character and keep it in mind. You might also choose other themes, like objects, movies and TV shows, and animals, if you aren't into characters. Once you have made up your mind, the genie can begin to read your mind whenever you click on “Challenge Me”.When Akinator will start asking you a few questions regarding your chosen character, you may respond with a Yes, No, Probably, Probably Not, and Don’t Know. You will receive different types of Aki Awards and a few amount of GZ for each character, object, movie or TV show, and animal imaginable that the genie can guess. Because here is played online, watching a video will earn you double points and you may use them to buy some items to customize the genie.Due to boredom and since my kid mentioned it many times already, I played Akinator recently. My curiosity struck this time around that I wanted to figure out what the game is all about and how the guessing genie has grown to be quite popular. During that day, I was searching for a decent challenge so I decided to give it a try and see for myself.It was truly surprising that Akinator guessed my first character and it made me even happier as I got an award and received some coins. Then, I decided to have movies and TV shows as the theme this time around as I prepared my mind for my favorite TV show. And I was amazed to know that he is indeed a genius in mind-reading as he continues to provide right guesses for anything that I can think about.I never had any regrets after I downloaded the game as it kept me entertained for a few minutes when things got boring and I needed some time out. I'm recommending that you set up an account in order to save your progress and view your stats. If you don’t feel like playing it anymore, you can even choose to get rid of your account.

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