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In an extremely powerful video that was extensively shared across social media, Uma Thurman told a reporter on the red carpet that she would speak out about Harvey Weinstein and sexual assault in Hollywood when she wasn't consumed with anger. Quentin Tarantino — whom actress Uma Thurman lately mentioned created her do a hazardous vehicle stunt in Kill Bill” that injured her — has turn out to be the subject of yet another controversy more than comments he gave in a 2003 interview on The Howard Stern Show, surfaced by Jezebel on Monday.At least eight talent agents had been told of Weinstein's alleged misconduct, according to the New York Instances , and did absolutely nothing. In her interviews, Thurman also provides an insight into the #MeToo movement that is not often so obvious: The guilt females who are victimized usually feel for their perceived complicity in assaults on other girls.The actress went on to say that Harvey Weinstein stripped down into a robe and tried to get her into a steam area with him. A spokeswoman for Weinstein said on Saturday that he had apologized to Thurman for making an awkward pass” at her 25 years ago, but that her claims about becoming physically assaulted were untrue.Uma Thurman alleges that Weinstein attempted to rape her in the room, but she was able to get away. Speaking to the New York Occasions , the Kill Bill and Pulp Fiction star revealed how a meeting with Weinstein in his room at the Savoy Hotel in London took a disturbing turn.Speaking to The New York Occasions , Thurman stated Weinstein attempted to force himself on her in a London hotel area. This film overview covers "Juno,” a film about how one particular teenage girl modernly handled her pregnancy. Even though Tarantino's specialist function blossomed in collaboration with Weinstein and he says he missed signs of any alleged misconduct, Thurman was furious.